AHSNB was created in 2002 to support the Government of Canada’s declara- tion of May as Asian Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the rich culture and contributions of Asian Canadians and to acknowledge them as full partici- pants in Canadian history.
Our mission is to fulfill the federal mandate of Asian Heritage Month in the New Brunswick context through creative storytelling, performance, and pub- lic engagement with the issues surrounding citizenship, identity, and collec- tive history. We also promote Asian Canadian heritage and performing arts through free public events featuring art, dance, music, cuisines, costumes, and any expression of traditional or contemporary Asian culture.
AHSNB is one of 16 Asian Heritage organizations across Canada, and the only such organization in Atlantic Canada. We have active chapters in Fredericton, Saint John and Moncton, and celebrate Asian Heritage Month in Miramichi through a partnership with the Miramichi Regional Multicultural Association.
As an umbrella organization for the Asian Canadian communities of New Brunswick, our members include over a dozen ethnocultural groups and as- sociations in each of our chapters’ cities. In New Brunswick, our primary Asian communities are Bhutanese-Nepali, Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Japanese, Korean, Lebanese, Nepali, Pakistani, Syrian, and Vietnamese. We welcome new members and volunteers from all backgrounds, and part- nerships with schools and community organisations. If you’d like to get in- volved, get in touch!